Christopher Parvankin
AmeriCorps Alumnus | Brown University Student
About Me
Hello, I'm Chris.
Before college, I spent a year in Rhode Island supporting a local Providence public school through City Year Providence.
Now at Brown, I'm studying Applied Math-Computer Science.
In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies, going on bike rides, and perusing Facebook Marketplace!
Here are some photos of my life!
  • Breakfast
  • Bike
  • Hats
  • Burger
  • Camera
  • Mushrooms
  • Coffee
  • Honey
  • Basketball
  • Fern
  • SS
  • Tomato basil
  • Sea star
  • c
  • d
Personal Projects
Personal Website
August 2024
I built this personal website with the Next.js framework with a mix of Typescript and JavaScript
There is a corresponding backend, using an Express.js server hosted on AWS EC2 with Ubuntu, that is used for the scoreboard of Banana Bedlam. This was my first time dealing with Web Development, and I had a lot of fun learning in the process!
Banana Bedlam
August 2023
This is a game that I created with the Pygame module. It stars Archibald Bananapeel — the last defender against the encroaching darkness of the evil banana faction.
This was originally made in Python with the Pygame module, though I eventually rewrote it with Typescript and the Pixi/React library.
School Projects
Database Server
December 2023
Created a server in C containing a database of key-value pairs, of which clients could connect to and modify.
Implemented database using fine-grain multithreaded architecture, enabling concurrent database use among multiple clients.
Multi-threaded Programming
Shell Language
November 2023
Developed Shell Scripting Language in C for Unix-based environments, allowing for execution of built-in system commands and external programs. Supported concurrent execution of multiple programs with foreground/background control, customizable file input/output redirection, and halting/resumption of specific processes. Supported concurrent execution of multiple programs with foreground/background control, customizable file input/output redirection, and halting/resumption of specific processes.
Operating Systems
Maze Generator
September 2023
Programmed a maze generator and solver application in C, using a a Random Walk and Depth First Search algorithm to randomly generate a maze and navigate through it, respectively.
Random Walk Algorithm
Graph Optimizer
April 2023
Created a route optimization program in Java, allowing users to choose a route between two cities/nodes with specified criteria — e.g. minimum cost. — based on user-inputted CSV file of city nodes and their edges.
Implemented Breadth First Search and Dijkstra’s Algorithm to calculate the optimal route.
Object Predictor
March 2023
Programmed a predictive model application in Java that analyzed user-provided CSV data files of items and their attributes.
Created a method that generates a prediction tree model, allowing program to predict an item’s identity from user-given attributes.
Machine Learning
AI Connect-4
December 2022
Implemented a Connect-4 game in ReasonML with a Text-based User Interface that users would operate to play AI player.
Created a minimax algorithm used by AI to make decisions by analyzing possible outcomes up to a user-defined depth.
Minimax Algorithm